No. 3. Make a real 70% discount. There are always some people in our database for whom your online course is EXPENSIVE. They really want to, but there is really no money. On the day of the shares, we cling to just such a psychotype. The huge advantage of the infobusiness is that we practically have no cost, that is, if compared with any other type of business, we really cannot make a 70% discount, since the sale will be negative for us (there is a purchase and production price).
Here we have to take the quantity. If the traffic volume is 100 people - with regular prices, 1 buys from us (with a check, say, 5 thousand rubles), then we earned 5 thousand rubles. And on Black Friday, 100 people bought traffic from us, but with a 70% discount (we consider (5,000 - 70%)x10 = 15 thousand rubles of income),
Therefore, you should not be afraid to give steep promotions and big discounts
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