More than a million rubles in 3 days.

How to prepare for sales and why they need to be held once a quarter

Step-by-step analysis of the case
Actually, I used to underestimate the promotional period, but the trick is that you don't have to wait for Black Friday every year. You can come up with your own reasons for sales: the anniversary of your school, Cyber Monday, your other, New Year, etc. The list can be continued indefinitely.

So, how to prepare for these events so that everything goes smoothly, with a profit of more than 1 million rubles. In just 3 days of the promotion!

#1 Make a special holiday website that should have your entire product matrix. The more products, the better. Because on the day of the action, people sweep away everything in their path

No.2 Make a creative video - it creates a festive atmosphere and leads people to emotional purchases.
No. 3. Make a real 70% discount. There are always some people in our database for whom your online course is EXPENSIVE. They really want to, but there is really no money. On the day of the shares, we cling to just such a psychotype. The huge advantage of the infobusiness is that we practically have no cost, that is, if compared with any other type of business, we really cannot make a 70% discount, since the sale will be negative for us (there is a purchase and production price).

Here we have to take the quantity. If the traffic volume is 100 people - with regular prices, 1 buys from us (with a check, say, 5 thousand rubles), then we earned 5 thousand rubles. And on Black Friday, 100 people bought traffic from us, but with a 70% discount (we consider (5,000 - 70%)x10 = 15 thousand rubles of income),


Therefore, you should not be afraid to give steep promotions and big discounts

Look further
No. 4 Working with the database. That's the salt of it. We buy traffic, and very often it doesn't pay off right away in the first month. Don't be afraid of that. If you hold such actions once a quarter, these people will warm up for this period. Prepare sales newsletters. We do them via: in E-mail via the GetCourse service and in the messenger using the Botmother service.

An example of a mailing list is next:
No. 5 Announcements in all social networks. networks. We have Stories and Instagram posts. This is where the filmed creative video, which we talked about in the second paragraph, will help you.

No. 6 Conducting a sales webinar in honor of the sale. I have talked about how we conduct tests in previous cases. You can prepare one promotional webinar that describes all our products at once, and use it during the promotions.

No. 7 Retargeting by Facebook database. Take your entire database of emails and phones and upload them to Facebook. Traffic here does not have to be allowed on lead magnets. It is better to go directly to the website of your sale. The cost of the application that we had for a paid product through retargeting.
Instagram Facebook and Look-a-like. The real magic of advertising. The robot itself will select the audience that is interested in your account.

Thank you for reading this article to the end!
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