What is the warming technology, I wrote in the article #warm_plus
in my Instagram account:
So get right to the point
What happened BEFORE?
There was a hyped Instagram account on which the blogger had already tried to launch his online course. The account was not a business, purely humorous content. The sales model was that people were driven to a Telegram channel where a free marathon was held. After 5 days of the marathon, there was a standard sale.
The revenue was a maximum of 300-400 thousand rubles with a check of 3-5 thousand rubles. As you understand, this is very little, because then the group needs to be led to the result, and this is almost a month of daily work with expenses for various services and PO.
It is worth noting that when we work with bloggers, it is very important to properly consider the choice of a product. It should be massive. What everyone needs now.
I often see experts or bloggers launching an online course that has never had and will never have mass participation. This is not what EVERYONE wants. Examples of mass-produced products:
Online profession training, remote earnings
Instagram Promotion Course
A course on how to lose weight / get younger / become beautiful — in general, you understand the principle.
What everyone naturally wants. Everyone wants to look good and earn a lot. Yes, the principle is quite banal, but the fact is the fact.
Accordingly, we have come up with a new product for the blogger. Instead of emancipation courses, we started selling remote earnings training and teaching how to earn good money in quarantine. I DON'T GO into the specifics of the product specifically — THE PRINCIPLE IS IMPORTANT.
So, we fixed it: FIRST, the PRODUCT must be mass-produced. The kind that everyone wants.
The second is the sales model. I subscribed to big bloggers and started recording for myself how they warm up the audience before sales. Long before its launch. In fact, all big companies do this.