How did we receive 976 orders worth
35.6 million rubles after a three-week warm-up in STORIES with the help of closed presentations
Step-by-step analysis of the case

By the way, I would like to say a huge thank you to @mari.afonina for this launch. Many of the tips were taken from her analysis of the 110 million ruble case. We have moved away from the model of combined launches and a large number of sales windows. Many thanks to Mari for this insight

All the tools that will be described in this case are not effective without a soft three-week warm-up. I will not talk about how to do warm-ups and what should be in them in this article, since there are separate posts on this topic in my Instagram account.

It is important to understand that warm-ups are 70% of the success of blogger launches. We tested a similar model without warm-up on a million-strong blog: a dry announcement for free. The results were disastrous, revenue amounted to 1 million rubles.

What is the combined launch model, you can read at the link #progrev_plusov

What is the closed presentation model

Let's start with what is the closed presentation model.

I'll give you an example. Remember Apple and all those leaks that happen before the release of a new iPhone. All of them are planned in advance so that there is a certain hype around the product. In fact, Apple has a separate department of 500 people that is engaged in guerrilla marketing. So, when an Apple presentation is announced, the whole world watches it. At the same time, no one is afraid that they will not just present a new product there. They will SELL it.

Hence the main principle. After the warm-up, people should know that a new training program will be presented at a free event (webinar or marathon). The warm-up viewers should ask you about it themselves. Of course, there should be useful content and disclosure of the methodology. But waiting for the start of sales should look like a WHOLE EVENT, comparable to waiting for the New Year. You can't buy earlier, no SPECIAL prices. There is a price and a limited number of places. And now the most important thing.

The earlier we close sales, the higher the status of your product.

Earlier, during the launch, we opened early sales. Then a webinar. Then a marathon. And all these activities for the audience created the feeling that we wanted to sell at any cost. Between the lines, people see only the message: "BUY BUY BUY". I don't care whether you get a result. The main thing is that you buy.

No need to give 70% discounts. Say that sales are closed, and then open them. All these cheap manipulations only belittle the value of your information product.

Average check

You must be the most expensive among competitors. The larger the check, the greater the opportunity to add cool advantages to your product. Chips that no one else has. Stop selling people information, sell the result. And to get results, you should cover not only the information layer. But also:

     ✅ Emotional (So that it would be interesting to study with you)

     ✅ Psychological (So that there would be work with fears)

     ✅ Technical

     ✅ Semantic

By selling information with a low check, you compete with Google, Yandex and YouTube, which are generally free.

By selling results with the highest check on the market, you will have no competitors at all.

Now imagine the difference. Not only is your product the most expensive on the market, costing, for example, 50 thousand rubles, while competitors have 15, but sales are open for only a few days, and there are always no places. A queue forms for the product.

Let's return to the analogy with Apple. What is more desirable: the latest iPhone for 120 thousand rubles, which is impossible to find on sale because everything was sold out in the first day? Or a Huawei smartphone, which you can buy at a discount for 5 thousand rubles at any time? I think the answer is obvious.


Addition of a 4th tariff: VIP tariff for 150 thousand rubles, in which we closed the issue of all operational and technical work performed by professionals on our team for students.

Try to name the tariffs as creatively as possible. (All, myself, with Support and VIP - this is trivial). Your ecosystem should have its own slang. This creates an additional entourage for your product during communication with students.

Working with tariffs helped us increase the average bill from 18 thousand rubles to 36 thousand rubles.
Remember, the rates should not differ only in the level of feedback. We have completely removed the rates without OS, because we need the results of our students. Remember, we do not sell information.

The rates should differ in content, the number of modules and the speed of responses, additional benefits. We have added the work of a psychologist with students' fears, the work of individual specialists on technical issues, live broadcasts with curators, etc.

Pricing and price increase schedule

We have added the ability to leave an advance payment of 3,000 rubles. It does not reserve the price, but it reserves a place. An open system of price increases. People immediately see when and how much the price will change. There should be no deception or manipulation here. The price has changed - old offers in the get course are automatically deleted. This creates a sense of loss in people and is an additional reason for post-warm-up announcements.
Use the limited number of places on the rates. And most importantly, adhere to it. If there are no more places, announce sold out. Be honest with the audience. If there are no more places, we do not sell, even if they beg. We show this in stories and newsletters. The sold out announcement is an excellent tool for post-warming and additional contact with the audience, because it greatly increases the price of the next stream.

Course program and advantages

Previously, I generally underestimated this block and made the program description as dry as possible. Module 1 and the name. This is a serious mistake. 80% of students carefully study the program before buying, and there are people for whom this is the most important thing when buying.

The structure of the correct program:

Creative module name
Module description
Module result
Bonuses, checklists and documents.
Number of modules - from 8 to 12, to segment them by tariffs.

The most valuable thing is a program that covers all the pain points of students. You don't need to sell information, you need to sell the result. If this is a skill of remote professions - give people employment. If the course is on faceplatics - teach people to attract clients and make money on it.

In the next article, I will tell you how we used the multichannel principle at the stage of communication with clients and how we organized the sales department.
And for those who want our team to make a similar launch for you

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  • Read the continuation in part 2
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