How we received 48 orders for 1.5 million rubles at the webinar launch and increased total revenue by increasing the average product check by 4.5 times
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Expert's Point A

Before contacting the production center, the expert had already sold a product with an average check of 7,000 rubles. It was a face plastic trainer course with a single rate. In addition, the expert sold guides with a check of up to 1,000 rubles.

What was done

We conducted a competitor analysis and, based on its results, decided to find another product in the niche. We redesigned the course with an emphasis on earnings and raised the check (the minimum rate was 19,900 rubles, the average - 29,900 rubles).
We completely rewrote the program, expanded it and added additional materials. The main theme of the product was selling your knowledge of face plastic.

The number of people who signed up for the course decreased. But due to a 4.5-fold increase in the average check, revenue increased. Unfortunately, we do not have information about what revenue the product generated before the expert contacted the production center. However, it has clearly become higher, we concluded when we started receiving messages from the expert assistant.

Let's return to the Apple analogy. What is more desirable: the latest iPhone for 120 thousand rubles, which is impossible to find on sale because everything was sold out in the first day? Or a Huawei smartphone, which you can buy at a discount for 5 thousand rubles at any time? I think the answer is obvious.
We used the webinar launch model.

What is the webinar launch model

Initially, this launch was focused on cold traffic. The results of the student survey, which we conducted after the course had started, showed that more than 70% of students were not subscribed to the expert.

The webinar launch scheme is quite simple: target - selling webinar - course.
In our case, it was not a webinar, but a three-day marathon, the course was sold on the third day.

We used all the tools available at that time.

1. Communication with potential clients who came from the target was carried out in a bot in messengers.

The launch backstage, useful materials, life content were published in the Telegram channel. People were transferred from the bot to the channel.

It should be said that the marathon itself took place in the last days before the New Year, and the audience activity was relatively low. That's why we increased warming up in the Telegram channel during the January holidays, when the course was already being actively sold.

2. We used a two-stage price increase scheme: After the marathon, the prices were 19,900 - 29,000 - 59,900 thousand rubles (1st - 2nd - 3rd tariffs), a day later the price was raised to 29,000 - 39,000 - 49,000 rubles.

3. There was only one sales manager and he worked exclusively with those who left applications. That is, only with a warm audience. Each such lead was processed as efficiently as possible, which yielded results.

After the marathon, sales were low, about 250,000 rubles

However, during the warming up and mailings, as well as calls and closing objections, sales increased to 1.5 million rubles. The average check for the launch was 42,000 rubles, we received 48 orders.
Of the jambs

1. Warm-up in the blog was not intensive enough. Even before the launch, the blogger gave a lot of useful content in the blog for free, so the audience was not ready to buy for high checks. However, the blogger's reach at that time was about 4000. Active warm-up was a couple of days before the marathon, and then two or three days before the start of the course itself. The rest of the time, the blogger simply gave dry recommendations on how to register, how to buy. With such coverage on a warm audience, we could have made the result 1.5-2 times greater.

2. The second jamb is related to the fact that the tariff grid was not initially finalized: the difference between the first and second tariffs was too big - 10,000 rubles (the price of the first tariff was 19,900 rubles after the marathon. The second tariff cost 29,000 rubles). If it were less, the demand for the second tariff would have increased.
I can't call another flaw critical, it's more of a flaw. The presentation was poorly designed. The presentation was designed by the expert's assistant, who was not a professional designer. Therefore, the presentation design left much to be desired. This fact is unlikely to have affected sales.

In conclusion, I want to say that you should not be afraid to raise the check for your product. In our case, the expert already had a cool product, but she did not fully understand how to convey its value to the client, how to correctly position it and sell it for more.

Our team used all sales tools to the maximum, and as a result, we increased the total revenue and, accordingly, the expert's profit, while the cost of the product increased.
Do you want the same? Our team will help you determine the positioning of the product and sell it for more, thereby increasing your profit.
And for those who want our team to make a similar launch for you

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