How we increased the profitability of an online school by 8.4 times due to a webinar launch using warm-ups
Step-by-step analysis of the case
  • Point "A" of the expert
  • Before joining the production center, the expert had a product that consisted of 3 blocks: "Preparation for childbirth", "Childbirth", "Postpartum recovery". These blocks were sold separately or as a package, but the cost was minimal: the package could be purchased for 15,400 rubles. At the same time, by giving the client the choice to buy each block separately, the expert lost part of the profit.
  • On average, 30-35 people bought the course, the expert did not warm up, did not conduct webinars. However, there were costs (for filming, curators, etc.), so the expert practically did not earn money on these launches, sometimes even went to zero.
The expert's reach before the appeal was about 3,000.

At the same time, the expert understood that she could earn much more on her product, but she did not know how exactly to organize the launch and sell it at a high price.

What was done:

1. First of all, of course, we conducted an analysis of the target audience

Analysis of competitors showed that it was possible to sell at a higher price than the expert had sold the day before.

Created a pre-registration questionnaire

Initially, we understood that the blog has an active loyal audience, but the product itself is quite specific.

Usually, if a potential client has not bought a course, he can warm up later and buy the second stream of this course. But in the case of a course on pregnancy and childbirth, this scheme does not work.

Accordingly, it was important for us to understand how many people subscribed to the expert had not yet taken the course.

3. Agreed on a collaboration with a million-follower blogger

At that time, the million-follower blogger was pregnant and made a note in her stories that she had taken our expert's course. After this mention, new subscribers came to the expert's blog. The reach in the expert's Stories increased to about 10,000.

Before opening the registration for the free webinar, the blogger held a joint broadcast with the expert.

As a result, 1,472 people registered for the webinar.

In our case, the blogger made an advertisement for free. But I want to say that advertising with a blogger is a very effective tool that will pay for itself. That is, it is much more effective to make an advertisement for 100 thousand rubles with a large blogger than to invest in traffic to a cold audience.

4. We started doing warm-ups

All warm-ups were written by us. We took information from the pre-registration questionnaire. That is, the expert talked about what worried pregnant women, thanks to this, the warm-ups turned out to be native, soft and without foisting, which played a role.

5. We completely redesigned the tariff grid

At the same time, the lessons and webinars themselves remained the same. However, we reorganized the lessons, removed some of the webinars as bonuses and formed 3 tariffs depending on the audience's request.
Conducted free webinars for a warm audience - the main one and a webinar in the "Question and Answer" format

The profitability of the first free webinar was more than 70%, as a result of the webinar we received 104 payments for the amount of 1.5 million rubles.
Some payments were made based on the results of the sales department's work. It should be added that the VIP tariff initially provided 5 seats, but we sold 10.

We sent the webinar recording to Telegram, then held a webinar in the "Question and Answer" format for the same audience that we warmed up in the bot the day before. As a result, we received sales for another 600,000 rubles. Moreover, the price after the second webinar was already higher.
7. Launched cold traffic

It was relatively small. Our task was to see how many people would come to the cold audience, so that we could then launch an auto webinar. There was no announcement on the blog, there was pure traffic from Facebook. Looking ahead, it didn’t work out to launch an auto webinar, I’ll tell you why later.

The return on investment for the cold audience was quite high, 34.5%. 68% of people stayed until the end of the webinar, as a result, we received 4 orders and 3 payments. In terms of peak, the percentage is low, but we must take into account that the audience is cold.
8. Opened sales on the expert's blog

We used a two-stage system of raising prices. We sold at the lowest price during the webinar, then raised the price a day after the freebie. The highest price for the course was in the last three days before it started.
There were also sales for the maximum price (mainly the basic tariff).

We launched the sales department immediately after the webinar.

As a result of the launch, we received 179 orders for the amount of 2,646,666 rubles and another 9 orders for internal installments.

The final conversion to payment was 73%.
Of the jambs:

I want to say that this launch went almost without jambs. There were some minor shortcomings, which are below.

1. A somewhat drawn-out introduction to the first webinar

The webinar went well overall, the numbers were pleasing. However, the expert got carried away with the introduction and told her story longer than planned. This happened partly because we did not conduct a run-through of the webinar according to a ready-made presentation, but according to the technical specifications. The audience was mostly warmed up, loyal, so few people left the webinar.

The main jamb is that due to the drawn-out introduction, we were not able to use this recording as an auto webinar.

2. Severe force majeure during a webinar for a cold audience

We held a webinar for a cold audience on August 12, the expert was in Anapa. 15 minutes after the start, the expert's Internet connection completely disconnected. The fact is that on August 12th there was a severe thunderstorm in Anapa, and almost everyone in the city had problems with the Internet.
While there was no broadcast, the entire production center team held the audience, wrote messages to the bot and tried to do something. This whole situation lasted for 45 minutes. There was no point in postponing the webinar, since it was Thursday (it is ineffective to hold such events on Friday, and then the course itself was supposed to start).

However, after 45 minutes, the situation improved, the expert got together and held the webinar. Obviously, it was not possible to record the autoweb again.

Initially, we wanted to implement the idea of ​​​​the autowebinar and launch it after the launch of the product, but we decided not to do this and focus on the next launches.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. The launch was successful not only due to the coordinated work of the team and the expert. The result will be when both parties are not just interested in it. The relationship between the expert and the team should be built on mutual trust and respect. In our case, a connection occurred between the expert and the team.

Why is this important?

The team took on all the routine operational work, almost all technical aspects, supported the expert at all stages of the launch. Thanks to this, the expert was able to relax and do what was required of her as efficiently as possible. That is why the launch went smoothly and almost without any glitches.

Do you want your launch to be successful and bring profit? Are you tired of working hard to break even?

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