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How in 10 days we launched an online course and received orders worth more than 1 million rubles
Step-by-step analysis of the case
This time I want to describe the launch of one of our team's latest projects. If you are not interested in the topic of online education, you are not a producer, not an expert, feel free to CLOSE THIS ARTICLE, because then there will be narrowly thematic content with an analysis of specific actions at launch, and it will not be particularly interesting to the layman. WELL, LET'S GO!!!
First of all, I want to say that this is not the first launch of this particular area. but!
Before that, we worked on the standard sales model through webinars. After the live webinar, for those who did not get there, the auto-webinar was turned on. And everything seemed to be fine. Our average revenue from the webinar was 350 thousand rubles, but the problem with this model is that we have become very dependent on the expert and his free time.
Avtovebinar did not give us such figures as live. We bought traffic through bloggers, received more than 2,000 leads (webinar registrations) in a couple of hours, but despite the fact that we had utm tags, we lost control of these applications after the web (many clients made a decision within a month).
A full video of how we did webinar launches, where we got traffic from, and a full analysis of the numbers can be viewed HERE:
We also needed to understand how much loyal audience we had, who would have made a purchase anyway, without a webinar and auto-stops.
We also needed to understand how much loyal audience we had, who would have made a purchase anyway, without a webinar and auto-stops.
We split the project into several checkpoints and added a mini-product (so that people can try our service) in the slang of infobusinessmen, it is called tripwire, we called it an express course.
We have created a mini-course website where you can choose 3 products at once: an express course for 990 rubles Express + Basic course - 9990 rubles Try it for free for 2 days
Thus, we clung to all the psychotypes at once: Those who are loyal immediately took 2+ 1, since we wrote that at the moment the price is minimal Who wants to, but doubts, took ONLY the express course (since the price is below the entry threshold) Those who are completely cold, took 2 days absolutely free of charge
Checkpoint number 1
Free methods. We needed to understand how much money we would raise, without bothering at all with advertising, the web, and even more so with avtoveb.
Of the assets, we had an e-mail database - 15 thousand leads and Instagram.
The second step to the mini-course website was to buy direct traffic to Facebook target and buy ads from bloggers directly to the site. We put a retargeting pixel (those who were on the site for more than 15 seconds and did not leave a request at all, we drove them to a webinar site).
Total: The plan of the first checkpoint: 600,000 rubles.
The fact of the first checkpoint:
Checkpoint number 2
Free webinar. We have collected almost 900 leads for it:
Checkpoint number 3
Every lesson should end like an episode of your favorite TV series, and then a person will get hooked on it," I always tell my experts. Remember this phrase when shooting your training content.
The first two days were free, then right in the lesson we sewed personalized offers, adding a paid express course:
We implemented scores for each lesson and knew for sure that 95% of the people who watched it were very satisfied with the video tutorial:
This is how we collected feedback on the quality of our exercises. So much for the NPS 95% GAVE THE HIGHEST SCORE FOR THE LESSON
To be honest, we ourselves were stunned by such a high score, since these are free videos, personally I thought that freeloaders would give bad marks!
We have created a rather complex automated process for customer support and sending personalized suggestions regarding the participant's actions::
It seems complicated, but the logic is simple. The rating is max, but is there an order, and if I find it?
For example, there were those who submitted an application, but never entered the lesson. We made a deadline for them that the lesson would be closed in 24 hours. There were those who entered the first free lesson, but did not enter the second, they set up a verification system there (and whether the person completed the task, and what score he set
If you are interested, I am telling you the full technical implementation of this sales system on my Instagram, subscribe
An interesting point that we did not immediately notice.
It is necessary to sell so that a person watches the first free lesson, and then the second free one. And so it goes step by step.
When we sell without a free lesson, the conversion to sale is 17%..
And when a person first watched the first and then the second lesson, the conversion to sale is almost 50%. The probability of sale increases almost 3 TIMES if a person has already watched free lessons and done their homework.
Half of them pay if the lessons are useful
Such simple mechanics allowed us to gather more than 2,000 participants for the course and make more than a million orders from the DEMO COURSE ALONE.
Thank you for reading this article to the end!
And for those who want our team to make a similar launch for you
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