Hello, dear friends!
We have prepared a detailed analysis of our less than ideal launch in the MARKETPLACES niche for you.

We decided that we simply had to share such a unique experience!

Right now, you will find out the true story of our decisions and fatal mistakes, force majeure and great teamwork. Will there be a happy ending? You will find out soon!


We have always been and will be honest with our audience and customers. We will reveal a secret: there are no perfect launches. Almost every project has unforeseen circumstances that need to be dealt with. It is impossible to foresee EVERYTHING, and THAT IS NORMAL! The main thing is to do your best to achieve the desired result.
Let's go!
  • It all started out great! We had an ideal customer:
  • Ambitions to launch with revenue of 50 million rubles.
  • Wild desire to start right now!
  • With their own expert in a hyped and popular niche - marketplaces.
  • With a million-follower blogger ready to cooperate (reach in stories 500k)
  • Advertising budget - 1 million rubles.
  • A separate budget for high-quality course production.
  • Connections with bloggers ready to do free advertising.
  • The customer takes on all communication and control of work with the expert and the main blogger.
  • Let's go!
  • It all started out great! An ideal customer came to us: Ambitions for a launch with revenue of 50 million rubles. Wild desire to start right now! With your own expert in a hyped and popular niche - marketplaces. With a million-follower blogger ready to cooperate (reach in stories 500k) Advertising budget - 1 million rubles. A separate budget for high-quality course production. Connections with bloggers ready to do free advertising. The customer takes on all communication and control of work with the expert and the main blogger.
Based on this, we have written down the decomposition of the launch in 3 scenarios: for 34, 14.5 and 5.5 million rubles:
ВIt is important to note that such prospects upset the customer, because another producer promised and guaranteed 100% that the launch would be at least for 55 million rubles.
  • At that time, we did not yet know that the blogger's real story reach was 200-250k, provided that he was in the frame with his famous friends.
  • We warned the customer that the reach during warm-up was usually 2 times lower than usual, he accepted our arguments.
  • We chose a combined launch model.
  • It included:
  • a month of warm-up with a million-follower blogger;
  • remarketing;
  • advertising purchased from bloggers on social networks and in Telegram for 901k;
  • additional free advertising from partner bloggers.
1 he blogger turned out to be a "not quite a blogger".

Doesn't know his audience (Who watches? What are they interested in? How to communicate with them? etc.)
Cannot consistently generate content, deviates from the agreed content plan or does not publish it at all.
Doesn't know what a boomerang, timelapse, or screencast is.
Continues to advertise other products and services.
Often disappears and misses ZOOMs, may not appear in stories until the evening.

And so on...
According to the contract, the customer took control of the blogger's work, for which we reduced the % of our profit from the launch.

This was not our area of ​​responsibility, but we understood that if we did not intervene now, the overall result would suffer.

Our mistake: we trusted the numbers, but did not check the quality of the blogger's content.

Solution: we offered a story maker and video editor to help the blogger, and came to daily control of the posting.

The lesson we learned: do not agree to work with "sub-bloggers". Before the launch, monitor the content of the blogger with whom the collaboration is planned. He must be ethical, regularly generate content and communicate with his audience, respond to comments and messages in Direct. It is desirable that the blog be thematic.

2. The collaboration with the main blogger-partner did not take place.

The blogger with a reach of 800k, from whom we expected 20k registrations, was blocked by Instagram.

The customer promised to provide this blogger. This advertising integration was also a key link in the decomposition we did before the launch.

By the 2nd webinar, he got his page back, but the advertising never happened.
That's how we lost one of our main traffic channels.
Our mistake: we didn't think through plan B.

Solution: we suggested purchasing additional advertising and provided suitable bloggers.

The lesson we learned: don't put all your eggs in one basket and always have a backup plan.

At the end of this case, we will leave you a link where you can download a list of verified bloggers who you can safely involve in the work.

3. The main blogger received 10 times fewer registrations than we expected
P.S. Что и требовалось доказать.
"Недоблогер" + уклонение от контент-плана = провал
Our mistake: we allowed another person to control the blogger's work.

Solution: we insisted on increasing control over the blogger's work, made concessions and began to partially control the blogger's actions ourselves. We warned the customer that in the current situation it would not be possible to achieve the planned indicators. We suggested increasing the advertising budget and strengthening the launch by maintaining a Telegram channel.

The lesson we learned: thoroughly check the blogger in advance and do not give control over him to other people.

The decomposition we had prepared was melting before our eyes.
It seemed that things could not get any worse.
But then it got more and more interesting...
1. В день вебинара началась "спецоперация" (24.02.)
This event affected the lives of each of us and, of course, the launch.

What started?

✔️ Unstable emotional state of all team members.
✔️ The audience's attention is focused exclusively on the news. And as a result, low attendance to the webinar.

There were 20,440 registrations for the webinar
Only 4,003 people came to the webinar. (The attendance rate is 40%+, and ours was 19.5%)
Solution: agreed not to cancel the webinar to at least recoup the costs. Increased the number of free "goodies", changed the sales model to open, updated the product and extended access to it, refused to use aggressive slogans and triggers. Decided to hold the webinar again.

The lesson we learned: you can never be 100% sure that everything will go smoothly. There are circumstances that are beyond our control.
2. On the first day of sales, most banks disabled installment plans.

Typically, this method of payment accounts for about 30% of the entire school's revenue.
The remaining banks had wild interest rates and fees.

Solution: we introduced internal installments and changed the payment terms: we increased the time period for paying the 2nd part. At the same time, we began to look for opportunities to issue loans and added a raffle among the students of the course as a trigger.

The lesson we learned: there is always a solution and you need to do everything possible, not give up.
3. New objections from buyers appear.

The sales department starts working and encounters completely new, previously unprocessed objections.

For example:

"I can be fired from work at any moment", "Marketplaces will be closed and blocked", "I can't get emotional right now", "People won't buy anything on marketplaces, why should I learn".

Solution: changed the scripts of the sales department. They decided to sell softer, but the conversion dropped even lower. They changed the type of sales to a harder one, and it worked.

Here are the indicators of the sales department's work using the soft scheme:
The lesson we learned: it is not always possible to find the right solution right away, this is normal. The main thing is to keep looking for it.

4. After a few days, the ability to pay from abroad was lost.
Payment systems (Pay Pal and Paysend) were disabled for those outside the Russian Federation.

Solution: wait. We considered paying with cryptocurrency, but found out that this is legally impossible.

The lesson we learned: it is not always possible to find a solution, even if you really want to.

And the cherry on the cake...

5. The customer suddenly tries to change the terms of cooperation and payment.

This happened without warning or discussion. They blocked our access to the systems and began to put forward completely inadequate demands. The sales department could not work fully, we lost control over the process of loading lessons and could not open access to them.

Solution: we tried to enter into a dialogue with the customer and continued to fulfill our obligations under the contract, despite the violations on the other side.

The lesson we learned: it is necessary to sign interim acts and be more strict in monitoring compliance with agreements.

A launch is a partnership. If you accept the rules of the game, you must follow them.

And this applies to both sides:)

Well, how did you like our debriefing?

This is approximately how we felt after the launch)))
And these are the figures after we started working according to a strict scheme:
Раk, image and description
The work on the project took almost 2 months.

The customer, despite everything that happened, now has a huge base for further work:
  • website;
  • lead magnets;
  • recorded course with additional invited experts;
  • lead base of 20.5 thousand people;
  • working sales funnel;
  • finished product packaging;
  • first students;
  • Telegram channel.

NET PROFIT AMOUNTED TO - 2,573,560 rubles
The customer was dissatisfied with the launch and our work.

His indignation is related to the fact that we did not earn 30 million rubles, declared in the ideal decomposition scenario.

He does not accept arguments about his violations of the contract:
a blogger with millions of coverage never did a collaboration;
the coverage of the main blogger was initially overstated by 2 times;
the customer did not carry out the promised control of the warm-up layout, etc.

He believes that we misled him and did not provide information on time, although our work is always as prompt and transparent as possible.

As a result, we were not paid the promised % of the profit.

This is what a crazy launch turned out to be :)
We learned all the lessons and continue to bomb further!!!
Ready to start earning with us in online education?
And for those who want our team to make a similar launch for you

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